I also learned that the prenatal vitamins with fish oil are disgusting. I had been taking these for a week when I finally smelled one...and then proceeded to burp a fishy taste for several hours....it was awful. So I switched to a plant based omega 3 source and it seems much better.
On Friday, Joelle unknowingly told me about these pregtastic podcasts. They are great. They are about all kinds of topics. It is a group of girls that come together to talk and interview doctors, authors, business owners about pregnancy. I have been listening to them while I script at work and it makes the time pass quickly. I highly recommend!
I told my boss today. I know they say to wait until 12 weeks but I felt weird taking off for so many Dr. appointments. I never have them and I figured she would worry. She hadn't noticed and she was very excited....even more so that I was due in the fall :). I think she is a little excited to know before Amy(Kevin's cousin and her best friend).
And lastly, an update on how I am feeling. I still don't feel sick(minus the fish pill episode). I still have really sore boobs. I pretty much have some kind of bra on at all times. I can start to feel some ligaments in my abdomen stretching when I stand up and walk briskly. I get a little tired right after lunch...especially when I don't work out. In the evenings, all I want to do is lay down and watch TV. I got a plantar wart on my right root over the weekend. I don't know if it hasn't anything to do with this stuff. But I asked my doctor about medicines and he SWEARS that duct tape works. His wife is a pediatrician and her kids do it and it works. Who knew?
Welp Mommy is coming into town for my birthday this weekend...going to finish cleaning!
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