Winter sucks. Especially with a toddler with the attention span of a gnat. We rotate between activities in short increments until I need a break and he watches maybe 5 minutes of some Blue. [Bright side] I don't feel "lazy" since I spend a good chunk of my day carrying 25 lbs dancing, cleaning, running. Who needs weights? So I am going to try and write up a series of activity ideas for kids
Waking Up Williams. She did a
post about ideas a month or so ago, so check that out.
Idea 1 - Contact Paper ArtOK I stole this idea from daycare and it is super easy and relativily clean.
- Take a roll of plain contact paper and some masking tape.
- Find a vertical surface. Be it a wall, easel, or dishwasher(as you see here).
- Turn the contact paper slick side to the surface and tape off your desired shape.
- Peel off the paper on the adhesive side.
- Cut up pieces of paper, tissue paper, pictures from magazines, old coupons, whatever.
- Give to child and have some coffee/glass of wine.
They can stick (and unstick depending on the medium) until the cows come home...or he realizes the TV is on. We pick our battles.
That is such a good idea! We may need to try this soon...it's too rainy here to do anything but be inside all day long.
Awesome. Hopefully I can rack my brain for more ideas!