It is! Well I am officially preggers....that was quick :). Took 2 tests while Kevin was out shopping on Saturday and couldn't believe it(hence the 2). So I went out and bought him a card and a pair of baby Crocs. Wrapped them up with the test and gave it to him telling him I felt bad that I didn't buy him a valentines present. He got SUPER pissed! So I told him just to open it. He opened it and went straight for the shoes and didn't say a word..then read the card and was super excited. Then started to question the 2 lines. So he went out and bought 2 digital tests. I decided to wait until morning like everything I read told me. And this morning, the EPT told me in clear print :).
So this morning I took a pictures of the test and called Mom. I told her I was e-mailing her a picture of this cool new thing. She was super excited and already wanting to know what color afghan she could knit :). She is coming up next month for my birthday. Then we were already slated to go over the Kevin's parents for him to help do some projects. So we wrapped the shoes back up in an Asics box. Kevin got the box out and told them he wanted their opinion on these new shoes I bought him. Ray caught on real quick while Deb just starred blankly. They both broke into tears and were so excited.
It was been a whirlwind day and a half and I can't wait to tell others soon. I am excited to tell Anissa but, of all days, she has tomorrow off! We are only planning on telling a few right now and then waiting a bit. I hope to get an appointment at healthcare tomorrow. What should be fun is that Deb's good friend is my nurse :). By my calculations, we are looking at late October early November for a due our October -March holiday crunch lives on.
As for symptoms, last week I started getting tired in the afternoons at work. I thought it might be the combo of my no caffiene change and getting back from vacation. I was due for Aunt Flow Thursday I took a test and it came up negative. Saturday morning, still no Auntie and I felt pretty I went out to the store at lunch and picked up more tests....and then here we are.
I am very excited and nervous. This really hasn't even sunk in yet. I just feel bloated and tired. And I HATE being tired...o well...more naps for me. We hope to tell the grandparents this week or over the weekend. I know they will be pretty excited. We have also found out that people ask Kevin's parents all the time when we were having one ever asks us....which was just fine :). Well I have my books I borrowed from Anissa and I am a reading machine. I am sure there will be more soon to update on. I hope this can be my pregnancy diary to look back on and be a guide for my friends down the road. I know reading personal accounts has been helpful for me. With that, I have a few websites to note: - general questions and tools, along with message boards to hear from other people. - very funny and a good comparisons of home pregnancy tests with pictures of positive results from people.
So first day back and work and I am feeling good. Just got back from Body Sculpt at the gym and I am exhausted. It was actually an easier class but man did I get tired easily. On the upside, I lifted heavier weights with more reps maybe I am becoming a tired super hero. Got my first OB appointment next Wednesday. I polled the ladies in the office last fall to see where everyone went. Jen seemed the most enthusiastic about hers and upon further reading, I think I will like them too.
I had my blood work done this morning before work. Kevin came with me since we were carpooling anyway. Jean (my usual nurse and family friend) saw us both and got really worried. She was asking Kevin what was wrong and was I ok. He told her we were perfectly ok....and then she got it :). I was so excited...I filled the vile faster than I ever have because my heart was just a beating.
Well my hopes is that this is my journal for the next nine months and I will post my starting stats tomorrow once I get a tape measure.
Whoo hoo :)
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